Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Beginnings

Wow, it has been quite a long time.  What with the packing and the moving and the lack of internet.  Who can blame a girl?  So, my family and I have moved again.  This time, closer to the panhandle and the people we love.

We have met so many good and wonderful people in our new location!  God has blessed us tremedously!  With family that loves us, a new house, a new town, new people, new family members (Ours has four legs, but, I am so excited for a new niece...Thursday!)  So, this new year has been and is about newness and change.  Old habits are going to be hard to crush and new habits are going to be hard to stick to, but I am up for the challenge. 

And in a week, my daughter will be turning 2.  My baby is growing up.  I am so blessed to have been home with her!  She is starting to talk a whole lot more.  Others might not understand what she is saying, but I can get a pretty good grip on what she is trying to say.  My favorite thing she says, "I love you, too."  It makes my heart melt so much. 

I promise that I will post pics of my new home as soon as I get it in remote "jealously fabulous" condition.  Which means: curtains made and hung, some pictures on the wall, Brad's and my new spare bed is in, Emma's room completely decorated ( :, and this list is complete.  Soon, my friends, soon!  I hope everyone has a blessed day!  God is so good!

Until Next Time,

                   the dramaqueen

Philippians 4:6-7
  In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

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